Deliverable 1.1 – Final Project Management Plan and Schedule
This "Project Management Plan" defines in accordance with the definitions and regulations in the Annex I and the Consortium Agreement of the project "Public Transportation – Accessibility for All" (Pubtrans4All) the implementation of the general working mechanisms of the project.
It was designed to guide the „PubTrans4All“ project participants through all aspects of the project's management and coordination activities. It is to serve as a reference tool as it brings together all of the procedures and policies that have been agreed upon since the beginning of the project by the Project Coordinator, the dissemination work package participants and the Management Support Team. The "Final Project Management Plan & Schedule" is intended as a reference material to the project participants. It will be updated regularly.
Deliverable 1.3 - PT4A_D1.3_PeriodicManagementReport2
The Deliverable 1.3 „Periodic Management Report 2“ shows the status and the actual objectives and results of the project PubTrans4All.
The Deliverable contains information about the last consortia meeting and also about the extended dissemination activities. Also it shows the next steps which are necessary for the project.
Deliverable 1.4 – PT4A_D1.4_FinalManagementReport
The Deliverable 1.4 „Final Management Report“ is an extension to the Deliverable 1.3. It shows the objectives and results of the whole project time of the project PubTrans4All. Also each work package get explained.
The Deliverable 1.4 contains also lists of all meetings, deliverables and milestones, as much as the last steps to do in the project.
Deliverable 2.1 – Boarding Assistance System Evaluation Criteria Report
Deliverable D 2.1 is showing all crucial evaluation-criteria which need to be considered in order to assess a new Boarding Assistance System (BAS) to be developed as well as existing systems in use.
The technical and operational environment of a BAS and its capabilities under which it needs to perform will be explained, as well as its potential important role. The criteria are being evaluated from an operators´ and manufacturers´ perspective. Furthermore, useful and required applications for the BAS that will be developed are determined.
Deliverable 2.2 – Existing Boarding Assistance System Evaluation Matrix Report
Deliverable 2.2 gives an overview on existing systems dealing with and helping to overcome horizontal and vertical gaps between the train-vehicle and the platform. Its main focus lies upon railway-vehicles in their classic sense. Besides looking into various available Boarding Assistance Systems in great detail and depth, also an assessment of existing systems that are being in use on trains these days is made.
Deliverable 3.1 – Recommendations for Improving Boarding Assistance Systems
Deliverable 3.1 is the result of task 3.1 – Develop Best Practices BAS Recommendations - and partially of the task 3.2 – Prepare Design Recommendations for Improved BAS. These tasks are elaborated in WP3 – Develop BAS Improvement Strategies. The structure of this deliverable follows the same way: first best practice recommendations for existing BAS are elaborated second the design recommendations for improved BAS are given.
Deliverable 4.2 –Vehicle-Based BAS Preliminary Design Recommendations
This document shows the results of the preliminary design process and serves as a technical basis for the development of the new vehicle-based boarding access system (BAS).
Deliverable 4.3 – Prototype BAS Development Report
Deliverable 4.3 describes the technical conditions of the new BAS prototype. Not only the construction and the components of the swivel lift are presented but also the operation of the BAS prototype is described in detail in this report.
Deliverable 4.4 – Vehicle based BAS prototype design and evaluation
Deliverable 4.4 describes the decision making process of the development and the outlook for the evaluation of the vehicle based boarding assistance system prototype created as part of the project PubTrans4All. It includes sections on the selecting of the features to be included in the system, the process used to design and build the prototype and the deployment planning and preparation.
Deliverable 5.1 – Newsletter 1: Project Goals &Schedule
The Project "Public Transportation – Accessibility for All" (Pubtrans4All) will develop a prototype vehicle-based boarding assistance system that can be built into new rail vehicles or retrofitted into existing rail vehicles to improve accessibility for all passengers. Accessibility for rail vehicles is particularly problematic since rail vehicles have a long service life and so many currently inaccessible vehicles will remain in service well into the future. „PubTrans4All“ will help make existing public transport systems more accessible, improving service for everyone.
Deliverable 5.2 – Newsletter 2: Boarding Assistance System Evaluation & Recommendations
This newsletter gives a brief overview of the results of the evaluation of existing BAS (also confer Deliverable 2.1 and Deliverable 2.2) and the recommendations for improving BAS (confer Deliverable 3.1).
Deliverable 5.3 – Newsletter 3: Project Results Summary
Newsletter 3 presents the most important elements of the design and development process of the new BAS prototype and the newsletter summarizes the main results of Deliverable 4.2, Deliverable 4.3 and Deliverable 4.4.
Deliverable 5.4 - D5.4_Final Report on Project Results
In the Deliverable 5.4 the results of the evaluation of the different tests with the protoype get presented.
At the beginning you can find the already existing conditions of boarding assistance systems in public transport.
After that the Deliverable contains the recommendations for improving public transport boarding assistance systems.
And in the end you can find the evaluation of the labour and field tests of the prototype.
Proceedings Conference “Public Transportation – Accessibility for All”
After comprehensive preparatory operations and the successful integration of thirteen enterprises and organizations from seven European countries as project partners, which are all experts in the field of accessibility in the public transport sector, the project “Public Transportation – Accessibility for All“started in September 2009. As part of this project a Conference was held in May 2010 in Vienna.