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Presentation of the prototype of a new Boarding Assistance System for UIC-wagons at the InnoTrans 2012

 class=The prototype of a new Boarding Assistance System (BAS), installed in a UIC-wagon of the Bulgarian National Railways BDZ, will be the first time presented to the interested public at the InnoTrans 2012 in Berlin. All visitors have the possibility to test in practice the new BAS prototype.
You will find us at the InnoTrans 2012 under our project name PubTrans4All in the outdoor exhibition area, track section G10/30.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the InnoTrans!

Test run of the new BAS-Prototype incorporated into an UIC-wagon in Bulgaria

 class=The prototype of a new BAS developed in the EU-funded project PubTrans4All was tested under real conditions. Therefore, the BAS prototype was incorporated into an UIC-wagon of our project partner BDZ and tested on the national railway infrastructure of Bulgaria. The test run started at Sofia main station and terminated at Pleven main station. On two stops along the way, two wheelchair users tested the new BAS-prototype under real conditions.

PubTrans4All Dissemination Tour

Disseminationtour Brussels
 class=The first destination of our disseminationtour was the European capital Brussels. We welcomed guests from various industries at our presentation. Among other representatives from the European Disability Forum, from the European Multiple Sclerosis Platform and also from STIB-MIVB, the largest Belgian urban public transport company, were among the guests.
Focuses of discussion at the first destination of our disseminationtour were the possibility of installing the lift also in tramways. Generally, an installation into trams has been planned, but often there are already low floor vehicles purchased. Thus, the installation of the lift in a UIC wagon is more urgent. There was also a discussion about the possibility of operating the lift for persons in big electronic scooter/wheelchairs. The lift can carry up to 350 kg loading.

Disseminationtour Budapest
 class=In May the PubTrans4All presentation as part of the disseminationtour was held in Budapest. The event was well attended and we were glad about a full auditorium. Our project partner from the MÁV, the Hungarian railways, Mr. Gitta Ferenc was also our guest at this destination of the disseminationtour.
Of course there were especially questions addressed to Mr. Gitta Ferenc at the discussion that followed our presentation.

Disseminationtour Zagreb
 class=Also at the disseminationtour in Zagreb our project attracted great interest. Many Croatian disability organizations attended our event and they hat great interest in the course and the results of our project. Also we welcomed one representative from HŻ, the Croatian railways.
Many questions regarding the lack of accessibility at the trains and the train stations of the Croatian railways were addressed to the representative from the Croatian railways. Other questions from our guests were addressed to Prof. Simic from the University of Belgrade.

Disseminationtour Belgrade
 class=The last destination of our disseminationtour was finally Belgrade. In June the presentation of our project took place in the Serbian capital with many interested guests from different sectors. Among others we welcomed representatives from the Institute of Transportation – CIP. In addition to many other organizations from Belgrade and the surrounding environment, we could welcome the Accessibility Audit Association, which has as part of the European Concept for Accessibility already done a lot in the area of accessibility.
Focuses of discussion in Belgrade were especially the bad condition of the Serbian railways. It was mentioned that the Serbian Railways have to make many more changes before they could deal with absolute accessibility at their trains and stations. In the current trains of the Serbian railways the entry and exit is difficult, even for a physically healthy person. Also the national and international railway connections need to be developed.

PubTrans4All at the TRA 2012 in Greece

 class=The TRA (Transport and Research Areana) took place in Athens, from 23rd to 26th April 2012. It is the top transport research event in Europe which takes place every 2 years and brings together the key stakeholders in transport. PubTrans4All has submitted an article which was published in Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 48 (2012). Furthermore, the project PubTrans4All was presented with a poster presentation at the event in Athens.

Conference Public Transportation – Accessibility for All

May 19th, 2010, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. (doors open 9 a.m.), in the ballroom (Festsaal) of the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, Radetzkystraße 2, 1030 Vienna

The conference „Public Transportation – Accessibility for All“ was organized within the scope of the research project „Public Transportation – Accessibility for All“ which is funded by the European Commission and which engages in accessible railway boarding systems for passengers with handicap.

The conference brought together senior figures from around Europe to engage in an intensive debate on current and future challenges regarding to accessibility for public transportation under consideration of the requirements of the railway traffic.

International experts in the field of accessibility and public transportation gave interesting lectures. Furthermore participants had the opportunity to discuss relevant criteria as well as requirements in workshops.

Please find the detailed programme under this link: Programme “Conference Public Transportation – Accessibility for All”

Basically the conference was addressed to all people interested in the field of accessibility for public transportation – user, representatives of associations, rail operators as well as manufacturers.

The conference received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme; therefore it was free of charge for all participants.

EU LogoThe conference has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 233701.

Austrian Champions in European Research

For research work and project coordination within the framework of the EU-project „PubTrans4All“ Rodlauer Consulting was awarded on 16th of September 2009  the „Austrian Champions in European Research“ by the Federal Ministery of Sciences.

Reinhard Rodlauer .Reinhard Rodlauer

Rodlauer Consulting CEO Reinhard Rodlauer receives award for EU research

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